

Tuesday 20 September 2011

lawak giler siottttt hak hak hak


Di sebuah klinik yang terletak berhampiran sebuah kampung...

Doktor : Awak nampak tak sihat? (sambil mengambil stetoskop)

Pak Pandir : Pening kepala, sakit dada….. doktor.

Doktor : Aaa…. suhu badan awak tinggi, ambil ubat ni… makan 2 sudu, 3 kali sehari.

Pak Pandir : Terima kasih.

Seminggu kemudian…..

Doktor : Eh, kamu lagi? Apa pulak masalah awak?

Pak Pandir : pening kepala,…. sakit dada hilang dah…. TAPI sakit perut pulak….(sambil mengerang…)

Doktor : Ubat yang saya bagi hari itu dah habis makan? Pahit ke?

Pak Pandir : Saya makan habis dah ubat tu, tak ada masalah…… cuma, SUDDDU doktor…….

Doktor : Kenapa dengan sudu?

Pak Pandir : (dengan selamba) …. keras sikit ….. doktor!

Doktor : ??????? 

Cita-cita Tinggi

Cuti semester bagi murid-murid sekolah bagi sebuah sekolah yang berada di luar Bandar telah tamat tempohnya. Sekumpulan murid-murid pintar dari kelas 3 Ceria dengan cerianya memulakan kelas pertama dengan Cikgu Fery.

Seperti kebiasaan pada awal kelas cikgu ingin menyematkan semangat belajar dalam diri pelajar dengan bertanyakan cita-cita mereka.

Satu persatu pelajar dengan bersemangat menjawab.

Farid : Saya ingin jadi Doktor.

Cikgu Fery : Bagus….nanti cikgu boleh dapatkan rawatan percuma.

Ikhwan : Saya ingin jadi petani moden.

Cikgu Fery : Lagi bagus….nanti hantarkan bekalan sayur percuma ke rumah cikgu.

Cikgguuuuu!!!.Sahut seorang murid bernama Sharil dari meja belakang…

Cikgu Fery : Yer saya….

Shahril : Cita-cita dorang tak mencabar la cikgu…cita-cita saya ingin pecahkan rekod dunia..saya ingin menjadi orang pertama menjejaki kaki ke planet matahari.

Semua murid tepuk tangan dan bersorak.

Cikgu Fery : Saya rasa cita-cita awk tu akan menyebabkan awak dapat menetapkan tarikh mati awak la….kan planet matahari tu panas... terbakar la kaki awak tu…tengok macam petang ni la, panaskan…tapi ni jaraknya masih jauh..

Semua pelajar tengok Sharil…

Shahril : Ala…cikgu ni… cikgu…ingat saya ni bodoh sangat ke, saya tahu la matahari tu panas…tapi saya bercadang nak pergi malam…malam kan sejuk..macam semalam sejuk je…..

Semua murid tepuk tangan dan bersorak.

p/s : Anak muda sekarang ni memag tak boleh 

Kisah Mat Rempit

Zaki seorang Mat Rempit sejati. Dia sanggup tidak bekerja semata-mata untuk menjadi Mat Rempit sepenuh masa. Kerjanya setiap hari hanyalah menunggang motor secara berbahaya di jalan-jalan sekitar kampungnya sambil menyergah dan mengurat anak anak gadis di kampungnya.

Pada suatu hari, malang tidak berbau, Zaki terlibat di dalam satu kemalangan di hadapan kubur cina kampungnya. Akibat terkejut, Mak Limah yang kebetulan di dalam lori yang disergah oleh Zaki telah melatah sehingga tangannya membaling sebatang lembing tepat-tepat terpacak di dahi Zaki sehingga tembus ke belakang tengkuk Zaki.

Bergegas Pak Amin ayah zaki ke hospital sebaik sahaja mendapat berita tentang anaknya yang cedera itu. Sebaik sahaja sampai di hospital, Pak Amin bertanya kepada Doktor tentang keadaan anaknya,

Pak Amin: Bagaimana keadaan anak gua doktor?
Doktor: Harap bertenang Pak Cik, anak pakcik cedera parah.

Pak Amin: Bagaimana keadaan kecederaannya Doktor?
Doktor: Sebatang lembing terpacak di dahi anak Pak Cik tembus ke belakang tengkuknya. Kami takut sekiranya lembing itu terkena otaknya, anak pak cik boleh mati.

Pak Amin: Kalau tak terkena otak dia, dia mati tak doktor?
Doktor: Kalau tak kena tak matilah! Tetapi dalam keadaan sekarang keadaan itu adalah mustahil.

Pak Amin: Oh begitu.... Alhamdulillah selamat anak gua...
Doktor: Kenapa pak cik? Pak Cik tak bimbang ke lembing tu terkena otaknya?

Pak Amin: Anak saya tu Mat Rempit Doktor, Mat Rempit mana ada otak!

Hadiah Perpisahan Guru Besar

Ketika itu adalah akhir tahun persekolahan, dan seorang Guru Besar sedang menerima hadiah dari murid-muridnya. Salmi anak kepada seorang pemilik kedai bunga memberinya hadiah. Guru Besar menggoyangkan kotak hadiah itu, memegangnya di atas kepala, dan berkata, "Aku yakin aku tahu apa ini. Beberapa kuntum bunga..?"

"Itu benar" anak murid itu berkata, "tapi bagaimana Cikgu tahu?"

"Oh, hanya meneka," katanya.

Murid berikutnya adalah anak perempuan kepada seorang pemilik kedai manisan. Guru Besar memegang hadiah itu, menggoyangnya, dan berkata, "Aku yakin aku boleh meneka apa ini. Sebuah kotak gula-gula."

"Itu benar, tapi bagaimana Cikgu tahu?" tanya murid itu.

"Oh, hanya meneka," kata Guru Besarnya.

Hadiah berikutnya adalah dari anak seorang pemilik kedai minuman keras. Guru memegang kotak hadiah itu, tapi kotak itu bocor. Dia menyentuh setitik kebocoran itu dengan jarinya dan menyentuh ke lidahnya.

"Apakah anggur?" ia bertanya. "Tidak," jawab anak murid itu, dengan gembira.

Guru mengulanginya, mengambil cairan dari kotak yang bocor itu ke lidahnya.

"Apakah champagne?" ia bertanya.

"Tidak," jawab anak murid itu, dengan lebih banyak tersenyum.

Guru merasai lagi sebelum menyatakan,

"Aku menyerah, apa ini?"

Anak murid itu menjawab, "Itu anak anjing!"
moral of the story is lu fikirlah sendiri (>_<)

type of hamster

to all hamster lovers check it out some of information i get from internet.....hak3

There are 5 types of hamsters. These are: the Syrian Hamster, Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamster, Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster, Roborovksi Hamster and the Chinese Hamster. 
Syrian Hamster - Golden HamsterThe Syrian Hamster lives alone in the wild and it feels much happier when it’s alone in captivity too. Syrian Hamsters can be aggressive with each other and can seriously hurt each other. Never keep Syrian Hamsters in a pair or a group. Syrian Hamsters are the most commonly found in pet stores.
The Syrian Hamster is sometimes referred to as the 'Golden Hamster' due to its original wild golden colouring although today there are many different colour and coat mutations. It is also sometimes referred to as the 'Standard Hamster' or as the 'Fancy Hamster'. A Long Haired Syrian Hamster is sometimes also referred to as the 'Teddy Bear Hamster'. A female Syrian Hamster is larger than a male Syrian Hamster. 
Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster
Dwarf Winter White Russian HamsterThe Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is also known as the Djungarian Dwarf Hamster. It originates from the steppes of Northern Kazakhstan and Siberia. When kept outdoors it gets a white winter coat. This is a natural protective colour during a period when its original habitat is covered in snow. Hamsters are most comfortable at temperatures between 65 ° F / 18° C and 80°F / 26°C and should always be housed indoors.
Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters can be housed in a group, preferably of the same gender. They can only be housed in groups if brought together from a young age.
Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamster
Campbell's HamsterDwarf Campbell's Russian Hamsters are closely related to Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters.
Because of its thicker coat, the Campbell’s appears somewhat larger than Dwarf Russian Hamster, but in fact it's not.
Campbell's Hamsters tend to become fatter in captivity than the Russian Hamsters. The Campbell’s coat is yellow-brownish with a thin, sharply lined dorsal stripe. Its coat turns slightly greyer in winter. Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamsters can live in groups of the same gender.  Dwarf Campbell's Russian Hamsters are around 8-11cm long.
Roborovski Hamster
Roborovski HamsterThe Roborovski Hamster is also a short-tailed Dwarf Hamster, but its yellow-brown colouring and striking whiskers lend it a totally different appearance to the other two short-tailed species of Dwarf Hamsters.
Roborovski Hamsters are much less well knows and they breed very few young. The Roborovski Hamster is the smallest Dwarf Hamster. Its body measures only 4-5.5cm in length and its tail is barely visible. Its back is a brownish-yellow with grey under colouring. Sometimes the yellow on its back appears somewhat rusty in colour. Roborovski Hamsters don’t have dorsal stripes. Roborovski Hamsters 
can live in groups of the same gender.  Roborovski Hamsters may live up to 3 years.
Chinese HamsterThe Chinese Hamster is a long-tailed Dwarf Hamster and not closely related to the other Dwarf Hamsters. The Chinese Hamster’s coat is not as woolly as that of the other species. Its fur lies close and dark-brown dorsal stripe on its back is not always clearly visible and its belly is light grey. The Chinese Hamster has dark ears, lightly edged. The male has a strikingly large scrotum.
Chinese Hamsters have a quiet temperament and are easily handled even though at first they might be a bit aggressive, but with patience and time they get tamed too. The average life span of a Chinese Hamster is from 1.5 to 2 years. On average the Chinese Hamster is 10-12cm long and the male is larger than the female.
so what type of hamster do you have ??????

Monday 19 September 2011

funny joke on pink panther movie

hey guys looks like  i found some funny jokes on pink panther movie.hope you enjoy..... 

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Without warning, I will attack you. In this way, I will keep you vigilant and alert.
[attacks Ponton, but Ponton hits Clouseau]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Good one.
Ponton: Thank you.
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[repeated line]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Good one.
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Ponton: You never cease to surprise me, sir.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: It's true. My surprises, they are rarely unexpected.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Stop browbeating her! Can't you see she is sexy?
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I would like to take a closer look at your bawls.
Larocque: My what?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Your bawls. Your big, brass bawls.
Larocque: Uh, sure.
[starts to unzip pants]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [Picks up brass bowl on table and examines it]
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Nigel Boswell/Agent 006: Boswell. Nigel Boswell. 006. You know what that means?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Of course! It means you are one away from the big time.
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French journalist: Inspector, do you know if the killer was a man or woman?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Well of course I know that! What else is there? A kitten?
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: What? What did you say?
Ponton: Nothing.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You mean, you didn't just say: Stop the car, dear God, I beg of you, stop the car?
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Chief Inspector Dreyfus: When I first heard the name Clouseau, he was a little nothing. Just another police officer in a small village far from Paris. He was the village idiot, I think.
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Chief Inspector Dreyfus: I had been nominated for the Medal of Honor. I have been so nominated seven times. I have never won. Still, seven times, that is something.
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Ponton: [after Xania has invited Clouseau to dinner] It could be a trap.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Who cares?
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: A Woman is like an artichoke, you must work hard to get to her heart.
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Ponton: He was just found dead in a training facility locker room. Shot in the head.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Was it fatal?
Ponton: Yes.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: How fatal?
Ponton: Um, completely.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I want to talk to him now!
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Is there anyone with you?
Yuri: No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Are you carrying a pair of high heels in that bag?
Yuri: No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Not even a small pair of pumps?
Yuri: No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Who are you?
Yuri: I'm Yuri, the trainer.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: And what is it you do, Yuri the trainer?
Yuri: I train.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: So, you are Yuri the trainer who trains.
Yuri: [looks down]
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[repeated line]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You are Yuri the trainer who trains.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [asking Ponton about his wife] Tell me about her.
Ponton: I consider her the most beautiful woman in the world.
Ponton: What about yourself?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: No, I don't consider myself a beautiful woman.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: The good-cop/bad-cop routine is working perfectly.
Ponton: You know, usually two different cops do that.
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Nicole: Would you like me to stay behind and help you?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: That is a generous offer, Nicole. But I am quite sensitive to office gender politics. And in today's world, the slightest gesture can be misinterpreted as harrasment. And it is late, and I would prefer not to put you or me into that delicate situation. Agreed?
Nicole: Yes, I agree.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [gives her a quick kiss on her lips] Well, lets seal it with a kiss. And I'll get back to work.
[slaps her on her butt as she goes out]
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[accidentally drops a pill of Viagra into the sink]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: My miracle pill for the middle-aged man!
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[footsteps are heard in the background]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Shhhh! Footsteps. It's a young woman... 30 to 35 years old... 5'2" ,5'4", brunette. And she is wearing high heels. Perhaps a bit too formal for the afternoon. And she has on... Chanel N°5.
[a male in his forties walks in]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Is anyone with you?
Yuri: No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Do you have a pair of high heels in that bag?
Yuri: No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Not even a small pair of pumps?
Yuri: No.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You are Yuri the trainer who trains.
Yuri: Yeah, that's right.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I am looking for a dead body. Perhaps you can tell me where it is.
Yuri: Oh, yeah. I heard it was in the locker room. You go down the hall, make a right and two lefts.
[seeing that Clouseau has almost burst into laughter and is trying to control it]
Yuri: You are finding something amusing here?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I'll be honest with you. I - I find your accent quite funny. Where are you fvam?
Yuri: From Russia. Gluant recruited me from the Russian military gym.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [mocking him] "do-do-do-ba-ba-lo"
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You need to work on your accent.
Yuri: What?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: What?
Yuri: What? What?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: What?
Yuri: What?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I don't have time for this. I have to solve a murder.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Someone had words with Gluant... the night before he was killed.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [points his hand to a guard all of a sudden, releasing a vase stuck in his left hand, and Ponton, who was standing next to the guard catches it in time] Didn't you?
Larocque's Guard: No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You didn't threaten to brek his legs and then crush him into powder?
Larocque's Guard: [confused] No.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Perhaps I saw that on TV.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Monsieur Larocque.
Larocque: Yes.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [talking about the vase stuck on his right hand] Is this vase of great value?
Larocque: It is a worthless imitation.
[slams the vase on the nearby desk in order to break it, but ends up breaking both the vase and the table in the process]
Larocque: But that desk was... priceless.
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Ponton: Have you ever had a hamburger?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Well, of course not. It's a disgusting American food.
[starts eating the hamburger he was holding and enjoys it]
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[trying to teach Clouseau an English accent]
Dialect Instructor: I would like to buy a hamburger.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I would like to buy a "damburgen".
Dialect Instructor: I would like to buy a ham-bur-ger.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I would like to buy a "damburgen".
Dialect Instructor: I would like to buy a hamburger!
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I would like to buy a "damburgen"!
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Nicole: Do you live alone, Inspector?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Yes, I do.
Nicole: Do you ever get lonely?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: No. Not since the Internet.
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Chief Inspector Dreyfus: He's very easy to spot. He's got white hair, a thin mustache... Brimming with confidence, and *completely* lost.
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Agent 006: I'm not supposed to be here, remember?
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Ponton: [chasing masked assassin]
Chief Inspector Dreyfus: It's Clouseau. Arrest him.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [running after Ponton]
Chief Inspector Dreyfus: ...Which one is he?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [falls off banister]
Chief Inspector Dreyfus: That would be him.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [walking around the room] It is... lovely weather we are having. I hope the weather continues.
[chops curtain, table, etc., usually breaking something]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: The area is secure.
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Bizu: [referring to Gluant] And now he's pushing up the daisies.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: He is not 'pushing up the daisies,' he is DEAD!
Bizu: [glares] It's an idiom!
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: *You*, sir, are the idiom.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Do not leave Europe!
Yuri: But we have matches in Asia.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: All right. Do not leave Europe or Asia!
Yuri: And we also have a match in Brazil.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Do not leave Europe, Asia, or the Americas!
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Let's seal it with a kiss.
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[repeated line]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Newspapers!
[places newspaper over his face]
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Yes, politics. Where greed wears the mask of morality.
Nicole: That's good. Did you say that?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [looks around] Yes, I did.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [about Bizu] It's amazing how he fell perfectly into the drawing on the floor.
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Nicole: I've been looking for you two all over! Were the hell have you been?
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Did you say that booth was soundproof?
Roland Saint-Germain: Yes.
[walks into the booth and farts, everyone can hear him by the "turned on" microphone]
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [after falling through the ceiling, to the desk clerk] We need fresh towels in 204.
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Nigel Boswell/Agent 006: It is very important that you remain calm and do not turn around
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Remain calm, do not turn around
Nigel Boswell/Agent 006: Behind you in the casino are the Gas Mask Bandits
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [turning around and not remaining calm] Oh my God. Ze Gas Mask Bandits
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Female Reporter: Inspector!
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Yes.
Female Reporter: Yes, what is your initial premise?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: That Gluant did not want to be killed. Everthing else follows like liquid mercury flowing down a - a - a sloping thing.
Female Reporter: How long do you think it will take to find the killer?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: And you are?
Ponton: Gilbert Ponton. Detective, second class. I've been assigned to work with you.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: And what qualifications do you have for police work?
Ponton: My family's done police work in Paris for nine generations.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: And before that?
Ponton: We were policemen in the surrounding areas for 200 years.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: And before that?
Ponton: Immigrants from various countries in Europe all involving police work.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: And before that?
Ponton: Farmers.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Hmm. So you are a little lamb who has come to Clouseau for to learn.
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[last lines]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Ooh... that breeze feels good.
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: The day before the murder, you were seen hitting the victim and saying... what?
Ponton: 'I am going to kill you, I am going to kill you'
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Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You see, I have waited a long time to prove myself, and now I have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. I intend to show the world exactly who I am and what I can do. I must not fail.
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Chief Inspector Dreyfus: Find him. His name is... Clouseau.

sayonara hamsterku....

                                      gambar terakhir aku ambil sebelum diberikan kepada tuan barunyer

kalu korang nak tahu inilah hamster aku yang pernah aku bela kat IPBL dulu name dia yuna dan yunus.hak3 macam name orang lak.yuna dengan yunus nie aku beli kat penang dulu dengan khairul shafiq.kali pertama aku tengok hamster aku nie rase minat pulak nk bela dia.mang niat aku pon nk bela hamster sejak hamster aku dulu yang aku bela dah meninggalkan aku.mang rase nak menangis jew.tapi hamster aku yang baru nie telah mengubat hati aku yang sedih akan kehilangan hamster aku yang dulu.lagi pon hamster nie jenis golden hamster.so lagi lawa cikit dari hamster aku yang dulu.yuna hamster betina aku,dia mang paling buas berbanding hamster jantan aku yunus.tapi kalu ikut bentuk badan yunus lagi lawa sebab di berbulu lebih banyak dari yuna.pernah sekali yuna melahirkan baby tetapi xsempat nak hidup didunia yang fana sebab mak dia makan anak sendiri.mybe sebab tahu anak dia takkan hidup kot.tapi detik kehilangan dan perpisahan hamster aku kembali berulang apabila aku diberitahu hamster yang aku bagi kepada someone untuk jaga dioang telah meninggalkan dunia ini.mang aku rasa terkilan tapi aku xsalahkan dia malah aku terima kasih lagi sebab sudi jaga hamster aku.lagipon aku dah jangka hamter aku xkan hidup lama sebab dah berlainan dengan persekitaran dia sebab hamster akan mati kalu tinggal di tempat yang berlainan persekitaran dengan tempat yang hamster tu dibeli.kata orang dah xder rezeki.tapi kenangan bersama hamster tersayangku akn aku ingat sampai bila2.aku masoh ingat lagi kelincahan diorang mase dalam jagaan aku.kepada sesiapa yang memilih hamster sebagai haiwan kesayangan anda,hargailah mereka semasa mereka masih hidup....wassalam

Sunday 18 September 2011

konvo oh konvo

fuhhh akhirnya selesai gak mejlis konvokesyen aku di dewan merdeka pwtc hari sabtu yang lalu.banyak peristiwa yang berlaku kat sana.rase macam nk kembali balik jew babak2 yang mengembirakan tu.ape taknyer akhirnya aku dapat jugak bertemu dengan keluarga kesayangan aku yang dah lama tak bertemu sejak aku sekarang melanjutkan pelajaran ke upm kampus bintulu.so faham2 jelah ka.dan xdilupakan berjumpa dengan kawan-kawan aku time aku belajar kat IPAH dan IPBL dulu.huhuhuhu mang terubat rindu aku dekat diorang.lagi dengan kawan aku tu amir razali.dah lama xjmpa dia.hak3 siap2 peluk lagi.eh lupa lak aku pon berjumpa balik dengan ahli2 geng cap ayam aku time blaja kat ipah dulu.mcm perangai dah diorang skrg.ingt lagi mase IPAH dulu selalu sangat bergaduh dengan fariz yim aka orang tua.yang lawaknyer bnde yang remeh temeh pon digaduhnyer skali.hak3 teringat mase2 kat IPAH dulu mang best,tpi xder yang kurangnyer dengan IPBL lagi2 mase aku duk bilik yang sume dak3 bilik aku orang utara.tapi yang aku bestnyer hari2 dapat tgk show free.mang xdinafikan bilik aku paling femes kat IPBL.lagi2 orang dalam bilik tu pon gila2 otaknyer.sedar tak sedar dah 2 tahun tinggal kan IPAH dan IPBL.tapi kenangan aku dengan kawan2 aku msh tergiang2 dlm kepala otak aku nie,sekarang aku bergelar pelajar diploma lak.so tutup buku lama dan mulakan catatan aku dalam buku yang baru.DUNIA BARUKU........